Christmas as usual...
Every -but every- year for as long as I can remember, I've spent Christmas at my grandparents' in Oradea.
The ritual is that on the 24th in the afternoon, Santa brings the tree and me and my cousins decorate it...afterwards, in the evening Santa comes, we light up the tree and sing Christmas carrols... cousin, Mihai, who can play the piano, prepared a recital of carrols...
In the same house every year, we all gather and celebrate: these are my closest family members:
Me and mom...
...My dad and my cousin Mihai in the back... aunt Mada with my cousins: Rala and Mihai...
...and the little guy...the smallest member of the family, Ionut...
...and their father Oreste...
...with Rala and my grandmother "Buni Mari"
...and my grandparents...who got engaged 45 years ago on Christmas eve...
...and finally, my dog Ami...raindeer for a night :)
After a heavy Christmas dinner...
...I left to meet my friends to go Christmas carrolling...we went to about 4 houses of our parents and we sang and ate and drank. On the street we said hello and Merry Christmas to all the passers by and Santa Sebi (in the picture, somewhere small among the girls) gave away candy to all the children we saw and not only.
Some of my friends work at a local station of a national television so they filmed our adventure and today we're supposed to be on the national news...:O
In the end we exchanged gifts and drove the neighbours crazy with Karaoke...
I was happy that this night managed to get me into the Christmas spirit...I had a lot of fun and I enjoyed giving and receiving presents with the people I care about...
Merry Christmas!!! to all of you reading matter where you are...or if you celebrate Christmas...:)