Monday, June 11, 2007


"Life at it's best is a series of challenges. A big enough challenge will bring out strengths and abilities you never knew you had. Take on challenges and you will bring yourself to life!"

thank you Miha...probably my new motto for this next AIESEC year :)

Sunday, June 10, 2007

This is it...

This is it...the process of ending an era...of being a student...of being an Erasmus...and of living in Nottingham. Tomorrow my parents will be here and in a few days they will help me move out of my 12 people house, out of being a student pressured by so many deadlines, volunteering and working all at the same time.
I am leaving behind a city I have barely discovered, a university that was not so bad after all- I now no longer dread economics and I understand part of it actually :p thanks to my exams...and also leaving some nice friends that will scatter away in different countries on different continents.
I am very excited about the part of my life that is to come. And if I tell you I am scared or I complain about it, you should just slap me. I think I have some experience now that will allow me to do even better and take out even more from the new team I will be in and from the new city I will live in. love affair with you starts soon.

Just moments after my last exam was over: Maria, Carol, myself, Erika and Carolina in front of Bocca cafe and Boots library- places of refference for my year.

We are all proud of Radu, who did a very good expo for his final show on his photography degree. Julia is also here- the great girl who hosted us in Barcelona.

Places yet undiscovered in Nottingham...Wollaton Park with its "house" in the middle, as Richard put it.

Goodbye to Adi also. I will keep my fingers crossed so that you get a job in London soon. :)

Yes...that IS deer. This place is really a little paradise. :) Dicovered too late :P

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

My last days in Nottingham

I can't even think about it too much because I have to focus on my last exam, but it will all happen so fast- I have a feeling...
Luckily we managed to have a last meal with everyone in the house and will have an exam ending celebration and BBQ.

Before you know it, we'll get drunk after the last exam Friday, Asiat (CC of IC) will come visit Saturday, my parents will be here on Sunday, we'll leave for London for good Wednesday, to NatConf (UK national conference) on the 16th and to Portugal on the 19th and then AIESEC UK term starts July 1st. Should be a very interesting June...:)

Friday, June 01, 2007

The Haka for tomorrow's exam

This is what i have to say about tomorrow's exam...which is the hardest. Bring it on!!!