Thursday, June 26, 2008

Incredible AIESEC Global 60th Anniversary event :)

Best Careers Fairs Award: Southampton (and Warwick)

Best Local Committee: AIESEC in City

Best venue for an awesome event: the Emirates Stadium (300 participants).

Best MC Team- my team ;)

Best speeches and a fun evening

And finally...Best Family!!! :)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Prima cladire care se misca va fi construita pana in 2010 in Dubai. Va avea 80 de etaje, 420 de metri inaltime si va costa 38.7 milioane de dolari.

Podelele fiecarui etaj vor fi suspendate precum cercurile in jurul unui ax de ciment fix si vor fi miscatoare, oferind rezidentilor perspective impresionante asupra Golfului Persic. Arhitectul sustine ca miscarea de rotatie va fi suficient de inceata pentru ca oamenii sa nu o sesizeze.

Podelele fiecarui etaj vor fi actionate de turbine aerodinamice, instalate intre etaje. Cateva dintre apartamentele penthouse se vor roti cu ajutorul unui computer actionat la comanda vocala.

Cladirea va include spatii de birouri, un hotel de lux si apartamente. (Sursa

Sunday, June 15, 2008


Exista anumite momente din viata oricarui ‘’Vanator de oportunitati’’ in care dupa o perioada agitata in care te zbati sa obtii un anumit lucru si in final il obtii, urmeaza o perioada de respiro in care sa apuci sa si constientizezi lucrul pe care tocmai l-ai obtinut.

Eu n-am fost nici o data adepta obiectivelor si a-ti trai viata conform unor obiective. Da, exista zicale care spun ca ‘’daca nu stii unde mergi o sa ajungi undeva’’, cu alte cuvinte vei ajunge undeva intr-adevar, dar intrebarea este daca de fapt ti-ai si dorit acest ‘’undeva’’. Cu toate astea simt ca inca sunt foarte cruda si inca am un sindrom foarte puternic al ‘’orice luceste e cool’’ (cum zice un prieten bun). Adica ma fura orice concept nou si de asta imi e foarte greu sa definesc unde o sa ma duca viata in 5 ani.

Chiar ieri am intalnit un tanar care lucreaza intr-o agentie de consultanta pe urbanism.

( Paranteza: E interesant cum indienii sunt mult mai treji decat ma asteptam in ceea ce priveste dezvoltarea lor...Se pare ca au chiar o initiativa prin care vor sa vada cum ar putea ei sa obtina urmatorul premiu nobel. Adica nu doar munca ieftina si outsourcing, dar si un pic de strategie...Si le-a casunat lor ca in urmatorii 3 ani o sa poarte discutii si o sa incurajeze: Stiinta in primul an, literatura si cultura in al doilea, si inca ceva in al treilea...lucru care mi se pare fantastic. )

Ei, si discutand cu acest tanar mi-am dat seama ca da, vreau sa fac training si organizare de evenimente, dar daca e sa vorbim de firma mea in viitor, cred ca un impact mult mai mare l-ar avea ceva de genul consultanta in dezvoltare urbana...din mai multe puncte de vedere. Intotdeauna m-a pasionat sa citesc monitorul de Timisoara si sa vad ce initiative mai exista in orasul meu. Si mi-ar placea fantastic sa am un impact in dezvoltarea si strategia unui oras. Iar Londra este un model fantastic in ce priveste transportul,etc si felul in care sunt organizati si privesc transportul de ex.

Lucrul la care am vrut sa ajung de fapt este ca din cand in cand imi pica fisa ca locuiesc in Londra...

Un prieten ne-a tinut un training la o conferinta AIESEC despre Legenda Personala si lucrul care mi-a ramas foarte puternic in minte a fost o analogie: toata viata construiesti la ‘’casa’’ ta si ajungi la 20 de ani si construiesti si ajungi la 40 de ani si construiesti, si la 60 si la 70 si la un moment dat te uiti in jos si iti dai seama ca ai construit toata viata la casa vecinului. Mi s-a parut foarte interesanta analogia si se leaga cu ce am spus mai sus, ca daca nu stii unde vrei sa ajungi vei ajunge undeva.

Ei de aici si mirarea mea atunci cand ma uit in urma la sirul de oportunitati urmat. Daca cineva mi-ar fi spus ca voi locui in Londra si voi avea un loc de munca ‘’permanent’’ acum 2 ani n-as fi crezut. Londra nu a fost niciodata un obiectiv. Si de fapt nu este nici acum. Este doar un mijloc. Totusi, ramane interesant cum drumul de oportunitati m-a adus aici. Probabil ca daca as fi ales sa fiu in MC in Romania as fi ajuns sa lucrez pentru o multinationala in Bucuresti, sau cine stie pe unde. Cu toate astea, sunt aici. Si imi fac cu placere planuri legate de ce cursuri sa iau, la care musical sa merg pentru prima data si la cu ce curs deschis sa incep de la LSE...Iar fascinant, cel putin pentru inca vreo 2-3 ani este ca nu stiu exact unde voi fi la anu’. Pana astept in Londra.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Paris...more adventures...

And front of the famous Louvre piramid...Have to say I have thought of Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code at this time...:)

Opposite that view are the Tulleries gardens- the big gardens by the Louvre and another smaller arch...

...and these gardens are the place where I received THE CALL...the invitation to come to an interview for the job that I finally got :)

And this naturally made me my Goofy and happy self again :)

And thus ended the very first day...filled with fun. So we had to celebrate with a very yummy mediteranean cous cous dinner made by our very own...JJ!

And naturally it would not be the same without some...amazing italian Ice Cream.

Next day came the very beautiful Brussels gardens...where people just sit around this fountain for instance on chairs and smooch and chill all Sunday morning...

and after that we walked around the Invalides Dome.

Louis the XIVth ordered a building in 1670 that would be a home and a hospital for aged and unwell soldiers and this is where the name comes from: hopital des invalides.

The chapel is the home of many famous toumbs, amongst which that of Napolepn Bonaparte.

More adventures to come...the Champs Elysees, the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomf and more...

Redbull Flugtag- FUN!

The Redbull Flugtag- great London fun!
One Sunday, many teams who built weird flying machines like badgers and purses ans swans and cocks :) throw themselves off a pier in Hyde Park. Whomever has the best show (to mention some of the ones I liked: Ghost Busters, Ninja Turtles, the Badgers, etc.), the best machine and the longest flight wins.

Watch the action live at:

A Bad example:

The winners:

Friday, June 06, 2008

Song for a moody weather like in London

I am not a huge fan of American Idol and it's not til this fellow won that I actually listened to him sing. But I actually think he's pretty good and I like this remake.

Monday, June 02, 2008

London Underground Party May 31st 2008

The first measure Boris Johnson took as the new mayor of London was to ban alcohol from the Underground starting 1st of June. So on the 31st of may through social netwroks such as facebook this massive ''Circle line party'' was promoted to ''celebrate'' drinking on the tube while we still can and to protest against the ban.
Unfortunately, I went there to see what it would turn out to be...and the video shows parts of it. I support the ban, because I think it's only common sense.
For more details also check:

The Wii Experience- AWESOME!!!

I am such a sucker for the new Wii Nintendo! :) It reminds me of the good old days in Oradea, playing Nintendo with the kids in the neighbourhood. This version is so so much better though, because you have this wheel you can use for Mario Kart and for tennis you actually have to move in (almost) the same way you would in real life if you were playing. It's just something else! :) (How I got to play is we had dinner with an alumnus and he had this very cool typical male apartment in a redone warehouse). Thanks Paul! :)