Red nose day

I was hugely impressed with the British people last night. Every two years Comic Relief organises a day called 'Red Nose Day', where people have to 'Do something funny for money' (meaning do something funny so that they can raise money for charity). All the money raised goes to charity, half to projects in the UK and half to Africa.
Last night, after a 6 hour telethon put on by BBC, but also as a result of huge amount of work from celebrities, shops and ordinary people alike, the UK beat the record set 2 years ago, which was £9 million! They raised an amazing £57 809 938!!! This is amazing, despite recession!
The money will go to Africa to fight malaria, facilitate education, prevent death on child birth, etc. In the UK it will go to child careres, prevention of human trafficking, domestic violence, etc.
And I am hugely impressed with this effort and very proud to have contributed!