Monday, October 13, 2008

The Bucket List

If people ask me what is my favourite movie I never really quite know which one to pick...but The Bucket List has definitely become one of my favourites. Why? Not only because the actors in it are brilliant and interesting people- like I want to become one day- but also because it reflects so well the philosophy of life I believe in.

The basic story is that the two characters meet in the hospital and are both diagnosed with cancer and given just a few months to live. At one point one of them starts writing a list of things that he would like to do before he 'hits the bucket' and so they both end up adding to it and going out there to make things happen.

I have started my list of things to do in life and taking steps towards making things happen too: like chairing a national conference in Kazachstan, which is something I always wanted to do, but also my first ever trip outside of Europe. Travelling will surely be a huge part of my list, and therefore next year I also hope to visit JJ in New York and meet my old MC in Cambodia- also a place I am fascinated by.

Talking to Harman today about the trees that are getting yellow, life cycles and evolution, I remembered a line from the movie which to me right now underlines the basic fundamentals of our lives- as short passers by through the universe. In the movie, one character tells the other as they sit on top of the pyramids, the story about how St.Peter asks everyone who wants to go to heaven just 2 questions: 1. Did you find happiness in your life? And 2. Did you give happiness to others? Something to think about and a very simple way to measure one's impact and whether they have had a good life...


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